Dr. Raja Super Specialty Hospital is an inspiring story of dedication and service that began with Dr. Raja Achlerkar, who was deeply influenced by the thoughts of Pandurang Shastri Athavale. Driven by these ideals, Dr. Achlerkar started his medical practice in the tribal region of Dhule. He transformed those thoughts into action by personally visiting remote tribal hamlets to deliver essential healthcare services. His commitment led to the establishment of a three-story hospital in Taloda, where he dedicated his life to the welfare of the community.
His learned wife, Dr. Chitrarekha, played a significant role in this noble mission by forming self-help groups for tribal women. For 18 years, this unwavering commitment to patient care continued. Tragically, Dr. Achlerkar met with a fatal accident while driving to treat a patient in a tribal village. In the aftermath, Dr. Chitrarekha persevered, raising three young children and providing them with quality education under challenging circumstances.
Inspired by his father’s legacy, Rahul pursued his MBBS and specialized in Ophthalmology, completing a fellowship at the Aravind Eye Hospital. After gaining experience in Kerala, Dr. Rahul and his equally accomplished wife, Dr. Noopur, returned to Maharashtra and founded the Dr. Raja Super Specialty Eye Hospital near Nerul Station. Starting as a modest clinic, they built strong community ties through Eye camps, eventually transforming it into a full-fledged super specialty hospital offering advanced Eye care services.
Today, the hospital provides a wide range of treatments, including cataract surgeries, non-surgical treatments for strabismus, and specialized glaucoma care for diabetic patients. With plans to establish a charitable trust and provide affordable medical services, Dr. Raja Super Specialty Eye Hospital stands as a testament to resilience, dedication, and compassion in healthcare.